Penny Williamson, Sc.D.

4611 Keswick Road
Baltimore, MD 21210
410-235-0344 phone
410-235-0243 fax

Penny Williamson is an educator, coach and facilitator who works with leaders in healthcare as well as religion, education, government and law. As Associate Professor of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Penny teaches physicians doctor-patient communication, teaching skills and enhancing leadership capacities. In her independent consulting practice, she facilitates renewal retreats focused on how to find and sustain meaning, spirit, courage, and heart in one’s life and work; coaches leaders to enhance their personal and professional effectiveness, and helps leadership groups, working teams and organizations to build sustainable capacities in collaborative learning and relationship-centered practice.

Penny and Russ Moxley partner as leaders of The Courage to Lead Program-a series of formation retreats held over 18 months (4 in one year, and a six month follow up) for healthcare leaders. The retreats provide participants:

  • An opportunity to explore questions of meaning and purpose, of calling, of the relationship of inner life and outer work
  • Time to explore the intersection of “soul” and “role”.
  • Opportunities to discern and claim birthright gifts and to consider how those gifts can best be used in leadership activities
  • A chance to consider what it mean to be authentic – in life and in leadership roles
  • An opportunity to reflect on how to engage in leadership roles out of a deep sense of identity and integrity
  • A context for deep connection with others that honors differences

It is a great honor and privilege for us to be in this work together, as it is the ground from which all other work derives.


Dr. Sally Z. Hare

P. O. Box 14028
Surfside Beach, SC 29587

Dr. Sally Z. Hare has co-facilitated Courage to Teach retreats with Russ Moxley for educators and other leaders. They have worked together in North Carolina and Georgia – and spent a wonderful week on the ocean with leaders from all over the country in a Principles and Practices of Formation workshop/retreat at Pawleys Island, SC. They have a Circles of Trust Retreat in same location in November of 2004.

Sally is a teacher and a learner. A Kellogg fellow, she holds the Singleton Endowed Professorship in Teacher Education at Coastal Carolina University in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and is director of the Center for Education and Community. Before that, she served as Dean of Graduate and Continuing Education at Coastal. Sally is active in her community – and is a graduate of Leadership South Carolina and Leadership Grand Strand. Last year she was named Phenomenal Woman in South Carolina – and the year before she received the Governor’s Award for Woman of Achievement in South Carolina.